Ignorant Bastards with Guns

If you’re a typical leftist, that title probably got you picturing a couple of poorly educated white males with too much testosterone and a sick desire to empower themselves by shooting something, or someone – those sick bastards.


Look at these two. A uniform and a suit.  Look at how much fun they’re having playing with their new toys. But it’s all right though, because they’re government officials, right? Nevermind that the dumbass on the right is pointing his "assault" rifle right at the guy on the left, violating two cardinal rules of gun safety: always treat the gun as if it’s loaded (even if there’s no magazine in it and you’re absolutely certain it isn’t) and never point it at anything you don’t want to destroy. At least their fingers aren’t on the triggers, but still. If I were the guy on the left, I would have knocked the other guy’s barrel aside and buttstroked him upside the head for his stupidity.

Recognized these ignorant bastards yet? They’re New Orleans Police Superintendent Warren Riley and Major Ray Nagin. Yes, the very criminals who confiscated the personal firearms of countless innocent victims in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, violating their rights and thus preventing them from being able to defend themselves from real criminals while Riley and Nagin displayed monumental incompetence in securing their safety. These hypocrites think we private citizens aren’t qualified to keep and bear arms but they, ignorant and irresponsible though they clearly are, nevertheless think they themselves are so qualified. Give me a break.

Geoffrey is an Aristotelian-Libertarian political philosopher, writer, editor, and web designer. He is the founder of the Libertarian Fiction Authors Association. His academic work has appeared in Libertarian Papers, the Journal of Libertarian Studies, the Journal of Value Inquiry, and Transformers and Philosophy. He lives in Greenville, NC.